Tar & Chip for Recreational Vehicle Storage Areas: Paving the Way for Safe Storage

Introduction: Recreational vehicles (RVs) are treasured assets for adventure seekers and travellers. Having a reliable and secure storage area is essential when storing these vehicles during the offseason or between trips. Tar & chip, also known as chip seal, has emerged as an ideal choice for surfacing RV storage areas. In this blog post, New Romney Driveways explores the benefits of tar & chips for these important storage facilities.

1. Exceptional Durability

RV storage areas are subject to the weight of large vehicles and trailers over extended periods. Tar & chip surfaces are renowned for their durability and ability to withstand heavy loads without developing cracks or potholes. This ensures the storage area remains stable and reliable, protecting valuable RVs from damage.

2. Skid-Resistant Surface

Safety is paramount when manoeuvring RVs in storage areas, where close quarters and varying weather conditions can pose challenges. Tar & chip surfaces provide excellent skid resistance, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring that RVs can be parked and moved safely, even in wet or slippery conditions.

3. Low Maintenance

Maintaining RV storage areas can be time-consuming and costly. Tar & chip surfaces are known for their low maintenance requirements. Regular sweeping and occasional resealing is needed to keep the surface in excellent condition, reducing the overall cost of storage area maintenance.

4. Rapid Installation

Efficiency is crucial when preparing RV storage areas for seasonal or temporary storage. Tar & chip surfaces can be installed relatively quickly, minimising downtime and ensuring that RV owners can access their vehicles promptly when needed.

5. Cost-Effective Option

Cost-effectiveness is a priority for RV storage facilities. Tar & chip surfaces offer a budget-friendly choice compared to alternatives like asphalt or concrete. Storage areas can have durable and visually appealing surfaces without exceeding financial constraints.

6. Resistance to Weather

RV storage areas are exposed to weather conditions, from heavy rains to intense sunlight. Tar & chip surfaces are designed to withstand these challenges, remaining stable and reliable throughout the changing seasons. They resist erosion caused by rain and the damaging effects of freeze-thaw cycles.

7. Aesthetic Appeal

The natural, rustic appearance of tar & chip surfaces complements the outdoor setting of RV storage areas, enhancing the overall aesthetics of these facilities.

Conclusion: Tar & chip surfaces offer a reliable and cost-effective solution for RV storage areas, providing exceptional durability, skid resistance, low maintenance requirements, rapid installation, cost-effectiveness, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal. Whether managing an RV storage facility or planning a storage area for your RV, tar & chip surfaces can contribute to the safety, accessibility, and overall protection of valuable recreational vehicles. New Romney Driveways is here to assist you in designing and installing tar & chip surfaces that perfectly match your RV storage area’s unique needs and challenges, ensuring a safe and secure space for your cherished RVs.

This is a photo of a resin patio installed with a brick border

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